9 reasons why no one buys anything on your webshop

9 reasons why no one buys anything on your webshop

You have ads on and you're getting quite a bit of traffic to your site but no one is buying anything. This is the frustration of many beginning dropshippers. Why do visitors drop out without buying anything? There are several possible answers for this. Today we will discuss what you can do about web design to increase your conversion rate!

1. The website looks untrustworthy
If a website has too many bells and whistles, people tend to drop out. Less is more! What also helps is to look at the largest European webshops such as Bol.com, Zalando and CoolBlue. These are all uncluttered online stores. By using similar colors to those of Bol, for example, you also gain the customer's trust. The customer has been on Bol before and trusts the site. If the customer is then shopping on your site, the customer is much more likely to trust it because it is similar.

2. Shipping costs that are too high
If you charge too high shipping costs, people will tend to drop out. Especially if the shipping costs are not listed on the site. What you can do better is calculate shipping costs into the product price. Then offer free shipping above an amount of X. People are more likely to order something if they have to pay no or hardly any shipping costs.

3. The website is too slow
We all have less patience, so should a site load longer than 3-4 seconds we tend to drop out. A fast site is something that many people overlook, but which is really super important! For example, what you can do is resize photos to make your website faster.

4. The customer has to create an account
You want to quickly order something but you have to fill in all kinds of fields of information first. Much more than is relevant for the actual order. As a result, you already don't feel like filling it all in and so you drop out. This is a waste, rather offer "checkout as a guest" and you will see that your conversion rate increases significantly!

5. The navigation through your online store is not logical
If the layout of your online store is not logical people get confused. This is definitely a reason why people leave your online store. If they cannot quickly find what they came for, they will drop out. So make sure that everything is easy to find and that your online store is organized.

6. Payment methods
Do you offer enough payment methods? In the Netherlands, almost everyone uses iDeal. If you offer iDeal, you're generally fine. But offer PayPal and credit card payments as well. You don't want to miss any customers!

7. No data
Place your business data visibly in the footer. By the way, this is required by law. But this gives visitors more confidence in the online store. It also helps to write a piece about the company to give even more confidence.

8. The product page
The product page is really the magic spot. A clear and convincing product description ensures that people proceed to purchase. Also be transparent here about such things as delivery time and the like.

9. Social proof
Social proof actually stands for giving confidence through reviews or experiences of other people. A good example is Influencer Marketing. On your web store you can use social proof by posting reviews of customers. If consumers read positive reviews from other consumers, this can really remove the barrier of ordering online. Are you not using social proof? Then your visitors might just order from your competitor who does use social proof.

We make sure much of the above is right for our clients. Want to know more about how we can help you? Then take a look at our dropshipping packages.

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