No cure no pay
Sign up for free and pay only for a successful sale

Expand your reach
by becoming visible in the app for free

Upload in 3 ways
Upload products with a CSV import, the Shopify sync or manually.

Sell your products to
resellers (dropshippers)
Our platform allows you to sell products without complicated (online) marketing. We also offer an automated sales solution for your (current) customers. Sign up and make your products visible through the dashboard. Our resellers take care of the online sales.
You can focus on purchasing, production, product development and more. Sign up and become visible in our apps!
How it works
Start selling through GOGETTERS in three simple steps

Sign up as a supplier
We will process your request as soon as possible. You will receive an email with further instructions within 2 to 5 business days. Already have questions? Please contact us.

Upload products
Get access to your own dashboard and easily upload products manually, via CSV or use our Shopify sync that connects your Shopify store to the GOGETTERS app. Do you have an API? Even then we are happy to help you with the integration!

Process orders
After integrating your assortment, we check everything again and you become visible in our app. From then on, resellers can start selling your products. You will receive orders through your own dashboard (and by email). You will receive payments directly through Mollie's secure payment system.

Integrate with the most popular e-commerce platforms
Our app offers an extra service for your customers, and an extra sales channel for your company. Several large European wholesalers have already gone before you.

Network of dropshippers
Get instant access to our network of hundreds of online resellers

Free integration
Make your products visible in Woocommerce, Shopify and Prestashop for free

No cure no pay
Completely free onboarding and linking. Only 5% cost per order. No orders (yet)? No costs and therefore no risk!
Ready to grow?
Then register as a vendor and get access to your own dashboard.

Clear dashboard
Stay on top of new orders and see your sales at a glance.

Paying in advance
All orders are paid by our resellers before you ship the orders. No hassle with direct debits or payments that don't get paid.

Customer Service
If you can't figure something out, our support team is here for you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I become visible as a supplier?
We integrate our suppliers into our app, which is visible in the Shopify App Store, Prestashop AddOn Store and Woocommerce. Resellers can then import your products and link them to their Shopify, Prestashop or Woocommerce webshop. The moment a product of yours is ordered on a webshop of one of the resellers, it is immediately visible to you in the dashboard. Besides offering potential resellers to use our app to sell your products automatically, we also make sure you are visible to all our current users. We will send an email with information about you, as a new vendor, to our current users. You will also get your own page on our website and in our app.
What are the costs?
We offer a transparent commission model. Becoming visible in the app is completely free. You pay only 5% commission for a successful order. The commission is automatically deducted from the payment in your Mollie account.
How will I be paid?
We work with Mollie. Once the reseller has paid for the order, it is deposited into your Mollie account.
Can I use GOGETTERS alongside other marketplaces?
Sure! We have several brands/suppliers that also sell on other marketplaces.